Friday, September 29, 2017

Celebrity Sighting

Captured by TMZ Paparazzi

Celebrity posing for Entertainment magazine with fan

Kendall Jenner was out posing for the Entertainment magazine when a fan ran up to her and pose with her in Los Angeles, California. Her fan named Angelica Garcia ran up to her saying she's such a huge inspiration to her and that she really looks up to her. Angelica asked Kendall if she could take a picture with her and Kendall said yes. They both posed for the Entertainment magazine and now they are the cover of the magazine. When I saw this I felt really happy for Angelica because she met the person who she looked up to the most.


  1. Awesome work! You are well contrast in this picture and it really seems as if you were there with your celebrity!

  2. It's cool how you got to meet your role model. I'm Jealous!

  3. How inspiring! I could cry!

  4. I love this picture it was very nicely edited, something I noticed is the you love kendal jennner, something you need to work on is coloring the photos to match
