Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for the Future

Vision Board

"This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen"

I chose mascot of Cal Poly Pomona because I would like to attend there to study radiology and I believe its the school that would help me be what I want to be. I chose the house because that is my dream house and my career with help me get it. I also chose the makeup brushes and palette because I like to do makeup, its a hobby for me whenever I am bored I like to do makeup. I chose the girl with the flowers because that symbolizes happiness for me. 


  1. This is a nice vision board! Its cool cause I'm also interested in Cal Poly

  2. I love your composition! I noticed the link you have for Cal Poly Pomona is a great school and I agree that it will help you pursue your career. Very creative board and I can tell you have determination in getting where you want to be in your future.
