Thursday, November 2, 2017

Animated GIF

My Animated .gif

My first efforts in developing my own animated .gif was coming up with a rocket surprise ending. The techniques applied and story I created was a rocket going up to Mars and exploding with the astronaut walking away.

Rocket Surprise Ending

Colony Themed Art Club

My school themed gif I chose was Art Club
I decided on this school theme because an Art Club themed GIF would be good since this project requires lots of creativity.

My animated gif message was to persuade people to join art club, also to inform that time is running out to join the club.

I believe the intended audience would be people who are interested in art.

I sent the gif to
Ms. Hayden

What I would do differently with my next project would be to be more creative and use pictures.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Celebrity Sighting

Captured by TMZ Paparazzi

Celebrity posing for Entertainment magazine with fan

Kendall Jenner was out posing for the Entertainment magazine when a fan ran up to her and pose with her in Los Angeles, California. Her fan named Angelica Garcia ran up to her saying she's such a huge inspiration to her and that she really looks up to her. Angelica asked Kendall if she could take a picture with her and Kendall said yes. They both posed for the Entertainment magazine and now they are the cover of the magazine. When I saw this I felt really happy for Angelica because she met the person who she looked up to the most.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for the Future

Vision Board

"This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen"

I chose mascot of Cal Poly Pomona because I would like to attend there to study radiology and I believe its the school that would help me be what I want to be. I chose the house because that is my dream house and my career with help me get it. I also chose the makeup brushes and palette because I like to do makeup, its a hobby for me whenever I am bored I like to do makeup. I chose the girl with the flowers because that symbolizes happiness for me.